Every Day Counts!
We are ambitious together at Haven High. This means we know attending school matters.
Attendance is directly linked to achievement. Students who attend more get better grades. Research shows that less than 90% absence leads to all of a student’s GCSE subjects dropping by one grade. If your child’s grades suffer because of poor attendance, the qualifications they miss out on could affect their future.
Good attendance is vital for your child to get the qualifications they need now to progress on to further education and open ambitious career paths. Poor attendance could impact their ability to get the job they want and their potential earnings. Excellent attendance not only supports students academically and socially but also prepares them for the world of work.
We strive for all our students to have 100% attendance, making the most of the opportunities that are made available to them both within lessons, social times and within our extra-curricular activities. Every interaction at our academy is a new opportunity and will have a positive impact your child both now and for their future choices.
Reporting Absences
Parents / carers play a pivotal role in promoting positive attitudes towards attendance. We know parents want the best for your child and to achieve this we need you to help us keep their attendance as high as possible.
If your child is absent, contact us as early as possible. Make sure you contact us each day they are off school.
Send a message on MyEd app |
Call 01205 311979 and leave a message on the attendance teams answerphone. |
| for Years 7-8 for years 9-11 |
Every year group at Haven High has their own Education Welfare Officer who support families to improve student attendance at school. They work closely with your child’s Head of Year and Pastoral Lead. If you have a concern about your child’s attendance or your child is facing any barriers to attending school – we can overcome these. Contact your Education Welfare Officer as soon as a problem arises, we are here to help. You can speak to your Educational Welfare Officer by calling your Head of Year office on 01205 311979
It is essential that children learn the importance of being on time. This is an important life skill. To encourage learners to be early to school, we offer a free breakfast club.
8.00am |
Free breakfast club opens |
8.45am |
We expect learners to be at their tutor room |
If learners arrive after 8.45am they can only enter school via the front office, where they must sign in before entering school and going promptly to their lesson. |
9.15am |
Registers close. If arriving after this time, learners will get an unauthorised late mark |
Attendance Policy and Procedures
Please see the academy attendance policy for more information on the policies and procedures we use.