School Meals
Dining Choices and Nutritional Information
At our academy we use a dedicated system to help parents and carers make more informed dining choices for their children.
Saffron shows parents and carers full menu and allergen information, and allows them to search for a particular dish – with everything grouped by day and week according to what will be served at our academy.
This helps us to continue to put the health and wellbeing of our pupils first while increasing the transparency of the school meals we serve.
Quantity information the Saffron system provides for each menu item includes:
- Energy
- Fat
- Saturates
- Sugars
- Salts
Totals also each come with a colour, similar to a traffic light system, denoting low, medium or high levels for each meal.
Allergen information given for each menu item also cross-references what that item contains, or may contain, and includes:
- Gluten
- Eggs
- Peanuts
- Soya
- Milk
- Nuts
- Sesame Seeds
- Lupin
Further details are provided for types of the above where appropriate too, such as wheat, oats, (almonds deleted as we are nut free), etc. Various search filters can also be applied including searches for Vegan, Vegetarian and Halal.
We hope this system proves useful to you, giving you ‘at-a-glance’ information to support the meal choices you make for your child or children.
Paying for Food
At Haven High we operate a cashless system where the money is added to a child’s account using a website called PlusPay which is accessed via your MyEd app. There are many benefits to this system and these are as follows:
- Improved till transaction speed
- Vending machine payment via fingerprint
- Remote payment
- Parent access to all food transactions
The PlusPay system is quick, easy and gives you that peace of mind that you know what your child is buying.
If you cannot access PlusPay please email: with your child's details, and we will get the issues fixed for you.
Important notice
We have a strict ban on citrus fruits on both the Marian and Tollfield sites due to severe allergic reactions within our staff and students. These items must not be brought into school under any circumstances.