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Travel Information

Travelling to School

Travelling Safety

Here is a list of tips for travelling safely to school:

  1. Always wear a bicycle helmet, no matter how short or long the ride.
  2. Always remain in clear view of the bus driver.
  3. Make sure your walk to the school is a safe route.
  4. When using the bus do not move around when not needed to.
  5. Respect traffic lights and stop signs.
  6. Always check to see that no other traffic is coming before crossing the street.
  7. Wait for the bus to stop before approaching it from the curb.
  8. Always board and exit the bus at locations that provide safe access to the bus or to the school building.
  9. Use appropriate hand signals.
  10. Know the “rules of the road.”

Walking Times

  • 5 mins from Spilsby Road – Opposite Boston High School
  • 10 minutes from Holy Trinity Church – Spilsby Road
  • 15/20 minutes from Wide Bargate (Town Centre)
  • 25 minutes from Marian Road campus.

Bike Routes

Many of Boston’s roads now have bike lanes. We urge students to stick to these lanes if they come to school by bicycle.

Bicycles can be left in our secure bike compound which is situated at the front left of our main entrance. This compound will be locked during the day. We do however recommend you invest in a bike lock for your own piece of mind.

All students who cycle to school must wear an approved bicycle helmet and have working lights if they intend to cycle home during the autumn/winter months.


When using the bus make sure you leave enough time to get to school on time even with some traffic delays to ensure no learning minutes are lost. Below are two possible bus routes you can use to get to school via bus routes.

When using a bus make sure you are respectful and follow the instructions of the bus driver. Remember you are representing both yourself and the Academy to our local community.

Car routes – Parent parking (drop-off, pick-up)

It is our preference that our students come to school either by walking, cycling or by bus. Tollfield Road is very busy in the morning and at the end of the school day. There are two primary schools close-by and Boston High School at the top of Tollfield road.

For parents who bring their child to school by car; we recommend you drop your child off on one of the roads close-by. Fernleigh Way and Somersby Way are good options. Alternatively, you could arrange for your child to walk a little further from Princess Anne Road where the traffic will be a little lighter.