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Careers Education and Guidance

The Careers Centre

Our Careers Centre provides information about the opportunities available to you when you graduate from Haven High Academy.

You will not only find information about careers, you can find information on every step of your career journey, from Year 9 options, college or sixth form pathways, university choices and apprenticeships. You can also find out about employability skills and get help with CVs and applications.

Here at Haven High Academy, we believe that showing you the almost limitless number of options you have for your future will help you find a goal to aim for, and with this goal in mind, achieve your potential in whichever direction you decide to go. We will support you in your choices, but we will challenge your thinking to ensure you have explored all opportunities available, even some you didn’t know existed or thought were ‘for somebody else’.

With effort, excellence and engagement, you can become more than you ever thought you could be, and grasp more than you ever thought you could achieve. We believe in you. We hope you do too.

Careers Strategy

We recognise the importance of effective Careers Education, Information, Advice and Guidance (CEIAG) for young people, and we expect all our students to develop high aspirations and eventually move into a wide range of ambitious careers. We aim to ensure that every student that comes through our doors, regardless of background or individual needs, leaves equipped with the resilience, ability and drive to move confidently down a path of their own choosing and become happy and successful citizens of the future.

We are committed to following the Department of Education’s Careers Strategy, the statutory guidance on careers education and to meet all 8 of the Gatsby Benchmarks, as recommended by Sir John Holman. We also achieved Career Mark, a Quality in Career Standard award.

To do this, we make our students aware of as many opportunities as we can, throughout the year and across the year groups. We do this through employer visits, guest speakers, work experience, Further Education and Higher Education provider talks, in assemblies, workshops, and in form time. We also employ a dedicated Careers Leader who is responsible for overseeing the school careers programme and communicating this with SLT, Governors, parents/careers and employers and can help provide students with dedicated careers education sessions and independent and impartial advice and guidance regarding their career decisions.

In line with current statutory requirements, we fully support and implement the Provider Access legislation. Please see link to Policy and other policies and frameworks linked to careers.

View the Provider Access Policy here

View the Careers Strategy here

View the Work Experience Policy here

View the Careers Education Information Advice and Guidance Policy.pdf

Student Destinations

We will measure our success at the end of each year through our students’ destinations. This will be reflected in higher numbers progressing to appropriate level courses, apprenticeships and other positive destinations such as employment with training. We will also measure impact by gathering feedback from students, teachers and parents/carers for specific events, and through the atmosphere, attainment and behaviour around the school which will come from having goals, being ambitious and working to achieve them.

Destinations 2023

Imafe with graphs and charts for year 11 leavers destinations

For further information, please contact our Careers Leader and Advisor, Tracy Gallagher, on 01205 311979 or via email:

Current Careers Programme

The careers provision is a whole responsibility and not isolated lessons so our programme is mapped across the whole school along with the careers frameworks of the CDi and Gatsby Benchmarks.

View the Careers programme.pdf

View the Careers Entitlement Statement