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Parents Hub

Your role in supporting your child with their career planning, decisions and transitions is important, but can be as much of a confusing time for you as students. Please explore the other areas of this webpage for more information on options, our careers programme, work experience and other information.

Many young people look to their parents for careers advice.  Whilst some have a very clear idea of where they see their pathway leading them, others may take a while to decide – you can help by:

Where to start…
  • Focus on skills and behaviour, rather than specific jobs.
  • Talk about goals and dreams.
  • Be open-minded and encouraging.
  • Talk about what they are learning at school.
  • Be patient, choices may change.
  • Remember it’s their decision on what direction they want to go.
  1. Start with their interests, skills, abilities, and values – get them to write them down.
  2. Talk about their likes and dislikes of different school subjects.
  3. link their skills and interests by using the website for Unifrog Personality and Interests Quizzes or  view the website for the National Careers Service Skills Assessment 
  4. Identify 3 different jobs they may like to explore using the Unifrog Careers Library or on  the website for National Careers Service Job Profiles
  5. Share your own experiences and talk about your own job or career and those of the wider family.
Useful Links for further information