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Welcome from our SEND team

SENCO: Mrs R Sanderson

A photo of Mrs Sanderson, our SENCO

Access and Support

At Haven High we feel it is important to provide all students the access and the support they need to allow them to enjoy an inclusive education.

The Literacy team work with small groups of students across all year groups and ability ranges to provide extra support with reading, spelling and vocabulary. They offer the following programmes:

An image of some walking aids and hoists

Lexonik Advance

Lexonik Advance is a 6-week vocabulary course aimed at mid to high ability students in years 9 and 10. Students play fast-paced and challenging card games designed to teach them sophisticated subject-specific vocabulary. Learning the meaning of Latin and Greek prefixes, suffixes and root words enables students to decode the meaning of unfamiliar vocabulary in all their subjects. It also improves their spelling and pronunciation skills.

In term 5 2021, 40.5% of students increased their scores on the WRAT5 single word reading test. Since beginning the programme in 2019, participating students have shown an average improvement of 17 months to their reading ages.

You can find out more about Lexonik Advance here: visit the Lexonik website here


Students in years 7 to 9 who need extra support with spelling participate in this 12-week course based on the KS3 National Strategy Literacy Progress Unit. Students revisit key spelling rules and learn some helpful spelling strategies, such as mnemonics, analogy, and syllabification. They also use a this website,  Visit the Spelling frame website here to enhance their skills.

During term 5 2021, 80% of our spelling students improved their score on the single word spelling test.

“Tell Me” About Reading

This 6-week course is based on the “Tell Me” reading approach described by Aidan Chambers. It is designed to improve students’ reading comprehension skills and nurture an enjoyment of reading. Students read and discuss a selection of short texts and participate in creative activities such as writing an alternative ending to the story or designing their own book cover.

During term 5 2021, 62% of Tell Me students improved their score on the reading comprehension assessment.


The 6-week oracy programme for years 9 and 10 is designed to improve students’ speaking skills and prepare them for their GCSE English speaking and listening exam in year 10. Students are supported through the process of researching, writing and performing a speech in front of a small group of peers. They develop their skills in the following areas: reasoning and evidence, organisation and prioritisation, listening and response, and expression and delivery.

During term 5 2021, 93% of oracy students improved their grade based on the GCSE English speaking and listening assessment criteria.

Grammar for Writing

​During this 12-week course, students in years 8 and 9 revisit the rules of English grammar, punctuation, and syntax in order to improve their writing fluency. Developing these skills is essential for achieving their full potential in their written exams and coursework.

During term 5 2021, 74% of students showed significant improvement in their writing skills.


Phonics is delivered to small groups of students in years 7 and 8 who require extra support with their reading and spelling. It involves matching the sounds of spoken English with individual letters and groups of letters to develop “phonological awareness” (the ability to recognise, process and pronounce the sounds of spoken English). This helps students to decode unfamiliar words by sounding them out.

During 2021, just under 40% students had improved their scores in their GL reading and spelling assessments at the mid-point of the course.

SEND Complaints

In the case of any concerns please contact Haven High SENCO in writing via email to

Please see the link below to access Lincolnshire County Council's SEND local offer page:

View the Lincolnshire County Council SEND local offer website here