Students Hub
We are a Unifrog school, everything you need in one place.
The platform helps students with the whole progression process – from exploring their interests, to recording the great things they’ve done, to finding educational and training opportunities, to drafting their applications. Log in with your school email address. If you have forgotten your password, then click on the link to reset. We use unifrog across the whole school, from individual career meetings to careers lessons.
View the website for Unifrog – The universal destinations platform.
During your time at school you will have opportunities to engage with sixth forms, colleges, universities and employers, meet lots of different people and listen to presentations about options.
Help Yourself!! Doing your own research can be daunting but also exciting. Use the useful websites listed as a start, create your own careers research grid to compare different options or use the one below:
View the website for Careers Research Grid
It is important when considering future options that you look at the Labour Market Information, both local and national. That is, those jobs are in decline or increasing in demand. Understanding future demands can help with your decision-making.
You can learn more about the predicted growth areas in Greater Lincolnshire by accessing : View the website for Priority Sectors | Greater Lincolnshire LEP
You can also compare and contrast jobs and learn more about the labour market using the Careerometer widget from the link below.
View the website for Careerometer
In Year 10/11 you can find out more information about your Post 16 choices by clicking on the Options & Pathways link from the side menu.